In October 2022, the Higher Education for Good Foundation (HE4G) launched Youth Talks, an international consultation aimed at young people aged 15 to 29 from all countries and social backgrounds. Through open-ended questions and a digital platform translated into 6 languages, Youth Talks provides a unique space for young people to express themselves and promises to amplify their voices. Today, to extend its initiative further, the Foundation announces its new partnership with the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE).
The first edition of the consultation concluded at the end of May 2023. In total, 45,000 young people from 212 countries shared their opinions and contributed nearly a million ideas.
One of the strengths of the HE4G Foundation, has been to gather a wide and international network of partners for Youth Talks. They have all contributed to transform the consultation into an unique initiative and lead to a real commitment of the youth, allowing many young people to voice their opinions.
Thanks to its new partner – the Conférence of Grandes Écoles (CGE) – Youth Talks can now rely on the support of all major French higher education institutions to promote its consultation and reach out to approximately half a million students locally.
Indeed, the CGE has chosen to support the HE4G Foundation and get involved in the Youth Talks project in order to consistently and effectively involve students from prestigious institutions by providing them with an unprecedented platform for expression.
Youth Talks, led by Marine Hadengue, Executive Director of the HE4G Foundation and project director, is the foundation’s first initiative. It aims to provide deep insights into what the generation entering higher education and the workforce today expects and desires for the future. Thus, the purpose of Youth Talks is to offer an immersive experience into the thoughts of youth from around the world as well as promote the voices of young people to key global actors.

About the Conference of Grandes Écoles (CGE) | Twitter: @ConferenceDesGE